What is this nonsense?
Hey, my name is Shawn and Plastic Rocket Pop is the new home for all of the (semi) creative crap that I do, whether it’s writing, drawing, making videos about the weird junk I collect, or the podcasts I host or co-host. I’ve been writing about, talking about, and designing pop culture-related stuff for almost 20 years.
This site is a place where I can share all of this stuff in one place, my little corner of the web, full of cult cinema talk, 30-40 year old toys, stickers, books, ephemera and all the weird illustrations and design work I’m proud enough to share. You’ll also find all of the projects I work on from the new Plastic Rocket Pop youtube channel my wife and I are launching to podcasts I co-host like the Cult Film Club and Crestwood House.
So if you dig stuff like My Pet Monster,trading cards, the Transformers, Pee-wee Herman, Rad, The Monster Squad, old ass fruit snacks, Ecto Cooler, or 35 year-old mom magazines, Plastic Rocket Pop might just be the place you’d like to hang out.

Awesome 80s Bedrooms: Big Edition
It's been a little while since I sat down and dissected an awesome pop culture bedroom so I...
Talking about Lunchboxes on the Debut episode of the Geekster Geek Out!
I was recently invited to be the inaugural guest on the Geekster Geek Out show to talk about my...
Creating the Cult Film Club Podcast Logo
Since starting Plastic Rocket Pop, I've wanted to dig into my creative process when it comes to...
Cult Film Club: RAD
From the Cult Film Club archive, here is episode 16 where I lead my co-hosts Paxton and Jaime...
Before I launched Plastic Rocket Pop I created and wrote the site Branded in the 80s. Through the 15 years I ran Branded I had an amazing experience delving into nostalgia for the 80s, almost exclusively from my childhood perspective of the decade. It was a very specific choice to keep the site both positive and to explore the nooks and crannies of all the cartoons, toys and junk that I was into as a kid. Over time though the 80s childhood corner that I’d painted myself into began to grate on me a bit. I started the site in my 20s, but by the end I was in my 40s and have found myself in a very different place personally and creatively. So I decided to shutter the site in March of 2021.
Though I got tired of the constraint, I’m hardly ashamed of all the time, work and research I put into that project. So a good portion of the archives for Branded will be incorporated into this site. It will certainly not be all at once, but the best of that site, those articles and podcasts, will eventually make their way here. So if you dug that stuff, it won’t disappear. If you are one of those legacy readers or listeners, I hope you dig the stuff I’ll be creating and sharing going forward.